A very big lake and a very long swim!

A Big Lake

Early in the morning on Saturday 4 February, in a land far, far away, a Club Life Member donned his trunks and went for a little swim. The member was Mark Sheridan, and the swim was across New Zealand’s biggest lake: 14 hours and 46 minutes later, Mark became the first British person to cross Lake Taupo, swimming a mighty 40.7km.

Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand with a perimeter of approximately 193 km (120 mi) and a maximum depth of 186 m (610 ft); it has been swum by circa 40 Kiwis and a couple of Aussies, but Mark is the first Brit. It’s a volcanic lake, and Mark had the pleasure of experiencing a 5.0 magnitude earthquake as he was swimming across the epicentre, 81km below (it was felt across the whole of north island), but luckily the waves it created didn’t bother him too much, and he just carried on swimming!

Mark always wears Club colours before and after these solo swims – he’s says “I get so much mental strength watching the lads put their bodies on the line week in week out, so there’s a great sense of pride putting on my shirt before and after these solo undertakings!”.

We’re very proud of you too, Mark!