Blackheath Girls, a 2021 overview.

21 Dec 2021

2021 has been another difficult year that I am sure most would want to forget. The disruption has has a huge impact on everyone of us in varying degrees and yet through it all there has been opportunity. Rugby has suffered like everything else but rugby has survived in short because of what keeps it alive. Community. Rugby family.

Our girls section has grown from strength to strength, albeit slowly, over the last few years. I have watched the young delicate flowers that first arrived blossom into confident, talented individuals. During the pandemic we have continued to train in earnest, hoping to find enough consistency to have an impact. My worry with such a small section was a large drop off in numbers but I am happy to report we have maintained our group and have now seen an upturn in girls trying out.

Both our u15 and u13’s are playing full contact rugby now and are at a level where we feel we can go out and play matches. I am very proud to say that the u13’s joined up with our friends at Old Colfieans and Dartfordians to play in their first ever festival. The “Crimson Black Darts” came forth over all and so qualified for the next round of the Kent development cup in February. A fantastic achievement.

None of this would be possible without the continued support of the Women’s section who week on week send players to aid the coaching sessions. A big thank you in particular to Ellie Shortland who coordinates the ladies. Also a shout out to fellow coach and manager Chris Somers who is really an unsung hero, taking care of spreadsheets and kit orders whilst offering his services every Sunday without fail. Joining us this year is Martin Smith who is a welcomed addition to the coaching staff.

Let’s hope we can continue to develop next year and build again regardless of what the current climate throws our way. Rugby after all is about overcoming.

Rob Ballantyne