Summer ‘24 Volunteer Days

As always, there is a lot of work to be done at The Utilita over the summer to keep the site in top condition, and we’re putting the call out for a Volunteer Army to support us on the following dates. We have a huge list to get through and many hands make light work!

Any time you can spare on the day would be much appreciated – we start at 10:00 and finish at 14:00, but even if you can only do half an hour you’ll make a difference. Stay around afterwards for a beer and pizza on the house.

  • Saturday 15 June
  • Saturday 13 July
  • Saturday 17 August

We will provide equipment (gardening tools, paint brushes, DIY tools, cleaning equipment, etc) but, as per previous volunteer days, it would be really handy if you could bring anything you think may be of use too. 

If you are able to make any of the dates, or have any questions, drop us a line at 

#volunteerday #blackheathrugby #blackheathfc #club