Thank you, Sarah

28 Apr 2023

After three seasons with Blackheath Rugby as Commercial and Marketing Marketing Manager we say goodbye and good luck to Sarah Saunders today, who is moving on to pastures new.

Sarah joined us in October 2020, having previously worked in golf clubs and the motor industry. At the time she confessed to having no knowledge of rugby, but after many months of immersing herself in everything Club related she has grown incredibly fond of the sport.

In his recent email to the membership, Russell Ticehurst, MD, said “Good luck and thank you to Sarah Saunders who leaves us for new challenges. She has brought a wealth of experience to our internal processes, been tireless with sponsors and members and, most of all, has finally started to understand the laws of rugby (well one or two)!”

As Russ mentions, Sarah is still a relative novice regarding what goes on on the field, but throughout her time with us she’s been blown away by the passion Blackheath Rugby members and supporters have for the game and the club, and now finds herself firmly ensconced in the extended rugby family.

James Fleming, Commercial Director, echoes Russ’ sentiments, and says “I would like to thank Sarah Saunders for her immense contribution over the last couple of years as she leaves us today for pastures new. Sarah has worked very hard for Blackheath Rugby during her time with the Club and, although we will miss her, we wish her every success in her new role.”

Thank you and good luck from everyone, Sarah – we look forward to welcoming you through the gates as a supporter next season.

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