As ever, the annual Anthony Fitzgerald Cup was a huge success. For a change, the Weather Gods were on our side and all that the players and officials had to deal with was a bit of fog, rather than the usual sub zero temperatures and/or horizontal rain.
The game itself was a huge tribute to both teams who, despite not having played much rugby together, produced a game of real quality that was competitive throughout.
In the end Blackheath finished narrow winners but the evening itself was about so much more than the result.
On the night, we raised over £1,500 for CRY to go towards testing youngsters to pick up potential heart issues. Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously on the night.
Thank you to Craig for all his hard work in getting our team together and, as always, many thanks to our friends at Old Colfeians. See you next year!!
One more thank you, to Des and ‘The Former Players’ who generously set up a large bar tab to assist with players’ refuelling requirements and who also made a substantial donation to CRY.
Nathaniel Ticehurst being presented with the Anthony Fitzgerald Cup by Noel Fitzgerald
Photographs courtesy of Nick King