Blackheath Women – away to Barnes

Another hotly contested match took place last Sunday away at Barnes RFC. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be for our team, with the final whistle blowing at 27-25.

We kicked off to Barnes on a sunny autumnal afternoon. The quick Barnes team was first to score in the corner but didn’t convert. A Blackheath jackal, quick free-flow play and footwork led to our Chloe Williams (4) crashing in a corner try on her debut. With the scores tied, the teams played end-to-end. A scrum just outside the Barnes 22 and wide play from our backs led to Lucy Massie (14) finding the try line. Barnes fired back to score in the corner again. The score was tied. We were back in the Barnes 22, however a dominant tackle on the Barnes 12 saw our 12, Joka Tasau, receive a yellow card for, what the ref deemed, a ‘dump tackle’. Blackheath were down to 14 players. However a hard press and turnover, led a charging Ella Brierley (6) over the line, putting our third try on the board.

The half time whistle blew.

The second half was underway with a full 15, and a strong press marched us up the pitch against a hungry Barnes. A quick turnover and great support play from Sophie Durman (10) led to the first score of the second half. Barnes were quick to react and scored soon after to even up the scores again. Hard work and strong carries from our forward pack, led to Steph Wilson (2) tanking over the try line to put the team in the lead. We saw another yellow card awarded to us for accumulated penalties in our 22, which saw Sharon Onyago (1) taking one for the team. We were down to 14 again and we managed to fend Barnes off, however they managed to score in the corner. A heavy final 10 minutes and a deliberate knock-on sent Ella Brierley (7) off the pitch. We were down to 14 again on the defensive. With a minute to go, Barnes scored the equalising try and converted. The final whistle went leaving the FT score at 27-25. The team fought hard on Sunday and we saw glimmers of progress in our second league match. Plenty to work on and we’re excited to play at home on Sunday 5th November against Battersea Ironsides.

Congratulations to our debuts Chloe Williams and Michelle Nguyen for their strong performances!

FOTM – Chloe Williams
BOTM – Rosanne Rokobuli
Sharks – Sophie Durman and Jackie Esono