Coxy’s 10k

12 Feb 2024

Graham Cox (AKA ‘Coxy’ — our Press Officer and 1st XV Logistics Manager, and Radio Kent pundit) is running the London Winter 10k Run on Sunday 25 February in aid of Blood Cancer UK and, at the same time, is hoping to raise awareness of the amazing Anthony Nolan Trust. Having suffered from Acute Myeloid Leukaemia in 2018, these charities are close to his heart.

Graham says, “In December 2018 I became ill, and was diagnosed with AML.”

“I’m still here thanks to the wonderful NHS, but also because of a successful stem cell transplant. Fortunately, I had a very good donor match, but not everyone is so lucky.”

Coxy would, of course, appreciate any sponsorship to the charity via his JustGiving page, but his main cause is to raise awareness for the Anthony Nolan Trust, and ask as many young people as possible to sign up to the stem cell register, especially if you are male and/or from a black or minority ethnic background. Although you have to be aged 16-30 to sign up, once you are registered you can be asked to donate until you are 60.

“More young men, in particular, are needed to join the register. Men are more likely to be chosen to donate by transplant centres and provide more than of half donations, but currently make up only 18% of the register.  Black and ethnic minority groups are desperately short of donors.”

“It’s very easy” says Graham. “Just go to the Anthony Nolan website and click on ‘Join the register’. You fill in a questionnaire, and they’ll send you a swab pack for return.”

We all wish Coxy the very best of luck with the run, and look forward to hearing about how it went in a couple of weeks. And please, if you can, find out more about registering with the Anthony Nolan Trust.


Anthony Nolan Trust:

Coxy’s JustGiving Page: