Hove 5-26 Blackheath Women

Sunday 10th December saw Blackheath Women travelling down to Hove for their 7th match of the season. In very wet weather, the conditions of the pitch got the approval of the officials.

Kick off went ahead with Blackheath receiving. However, the sheer level of mud on the pitch proved difficult from the start and lead to a scrum to Blackheath. The ball was tricky to hold onto for both teams and scrums were certainly a main theme of the day. After holding firm in our 22 for the first 10 minutes, Blackheath started to gain courage, possession and pushed Hove further up the pitch. After 35 minutes into the first half, Blackheath’s hard work paid off with some points. On the back of a scrum, the backs passed out to centre Lucy Massie (13), making a break from the half way line and with her natural pace wasn’t to be stopped. Extras were added by Sophie Durman (7). 0-7 to Club.

HT: Hove 0-7 Blackheath Women XV

The second half started with good possession in Hove’s half and, even after losing possession, Club consistently turned it back over or took advantage of the conditions with unenforced knock ons. At 46 minutes, a blind side break off the scrum from number our 8, Ella Brierley, gained Club the all important yardage. A few more phases after this lead to another try from Lucy (13). No extras this time 0-12 to Club.

49 minutes in, the backs passed to Amy Parkes (15) who had a storming run down the wing, moving Club well into Hove’s half. A little knock on lead to a scrum which spilled out for Sophie Durman (7) to show off some footie skills. Unfortunately, this was tapped down before she could capitalise. After a 22 drop out kick, Janet Okolie (12) pushed the Club further towards the try line. Three more strong phases lead to a try from Ella (8) under the sticks. Another successful conversation from Sophie Durman (7). 0-19 to Club.

With 15 minutes left of the match, a quickly taken penalty from Jackie Esono (9) took Club well into Hove’s half. Hove turned the ball back only to hold onto the ball and give away another penalty. A nice pass out to Janet (12), lead to Blackheath’s fourth bonus point try. Another successful conversion by Sophie Durman (7). 0-26 to Club.

With less than ten minutes to go, Hove made good of a rare appearance in Blackheath’s half by some good aggressive carries from their forwards. This brought the score to 5-26 to club. No extras from the kick. Both teams dug in for the final minutes of the match. At 80 minutes, a kick to the side lines from Jackie (9) ended proceedings and secured Blackheath Women XV’s first win of the season at 5-26.

This was a game not to be forgotten for the sheer determination in the muddiest of conditions on a cold winter’s afternoon. We would like to thank the opposition for hosting and look forward to the return match in 2024. The team now have a well-earned Christmas break and are back training on the 2nd January with their first match away to Wimbledon on 7th January 2024.

FOTM: Ella Brierley

BOTM: Janet Okolie

Shark: Janet Okolie & Chloe Williams

Debut: Annabelle Thorpe