Two days of schools’ rugby

On 21 and 22 May, Blackheath Rugby Community Programme hosted two day of schools’ rugby for 180 primary and 50 secondary school pupils at Hervey Road.

The near consistent rain on the first day did nothing to dampen their enthusiasm and the children and their teachers alike had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

The schools which took part were: (primary) Baring, Foxfield, Rockliffe, St. Margaret’s Lee and Woodhill; and (secondary) Bonus Pastor, John Roan, Sedgehill and Woolwich Polytechnic (Boys).

“It was probably our best festival to date” said Habib Annous, Community Programme Director. “In addition to showing considerable skill and determination, the players embraced the core values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship. I am very grateful to everybody who supported us on the day: the teachers and teaching assistants, of course, but also the number of volunteers from across the Club who gave up their time to work as referees, pitch marshals and gazebo erectors: Juniors’ parents, Bandits and, especially, Dr. Alan Thompson who both organised the pitch layout and administered First Aid to our one (fortunately minor) injury of the event.”

The festivals are the culmination of our programme of taking rugby into schools – in lesson time for Key Stage 2 and as after-school clubs for KS3. The Community Programme volunteers are gearing up already to start again in September, with our next festival planned for October.

If you are a parent and would like to see your children and their school friends benefit from learning about rugby, click here to learn about what is on offer and how you can help us make contact with your school.