U12s: Folkestone Spitfires v Club

A dry but windy day saw the U12s make the journey along the A20 to face the Folkestone Spitfires in their second game of Stage 2 of the Waterfall competition. 

Bouncing off a good win last Sunday, the boys were in good spirits, despite the challenge of playing on a smaller pitch! 

We started strong in the first half with some fast play from the kick off resulting in a stonking try from George Woodside on the one minute mark. 

Stones 0 – 5 Club. 

We were strong again at the restart giving Dexter Bloomer the opportunity to gas through the defence before popping the ball to Gregor O’Sullivan, sadly falling just shy of the try line having been wrapped up in Stones defence. 

With expert rucking from both sides, the ball was going back and forth with little ground being made on either side. Hard hitting tackles from Johnny Ravenscroft, Oliver Simpson and O’Sullivan created the gap needed for Marijonas Kaminskas to make it over the line for Clubs second try on 7 minutes. 

Stones 0 – 10 Club. 

The re-start saw some more great play from both sides. Club looking strong but Stones good at securing turnover ball. A sprint by Jameson Morrison unfortunately found touch. This was followed by a breaking run by stones which we just couldn’t catch, resulting in a try for the home side on the 12 minute mark. 

Stones 5 – 10 Club. 

The restart saw slippery hands by Club with a few too many knock ons, but our defence remained strong. A period of scrappy play followed with a number of high tackles leading to the ref needing to have a chat with the home side. 

We stayed focused up to half time with some great linking runs between Simpson and O’Sullivan before the former came off for an injury. This was followed by an injury for Dexter Bloomer. Both allowing a release of Club subs onto the pitch. 

We rolled into half time Folkestone 5 – 10 Club. 

Second half kicked off strong.  Clubs fantastic passing was met by Stones great defence and it was stalemate for a while. Luckily a cheeky break saw Kaminskas roll over the line for his second try of the game at 24 minutes. 

Stones 5 – 15 Club. 

Clubs players taking more knocks saw both O’Sullivan and Ravenscroft off for some attention. 

The rest of the half was a battle of attrition with no further scores, numerous scrums, rucks and heavy defence on both sides. However, club prevailed and did not allow Stones to cross the line. 

Final score Stones 5 – 15 Club