Lionel Bailey

We are sad to announce the recent death of Lionel Bailey, former Club player, who died suddenly at home. The Bailey family were staunch members of Blackheath F.C. Lionel was the son of L.S. Bailey, who played 164 games for the Club. His uncle was C.B. Bailey, who had 114 appearances, and his cousin was C.L.J. (Bill) Bailey, captain of …

Club XV v Army match postponed

Unfortunately the Club XV Match v the Army due to be played this Wednesday has had to be postponed due to the weather

Blackheath Rugby Community Project

Blackheath Rugby Community Project An exciting new project has been launched in the local community during the current Autumn term by Blackheath Rugby Charitable Trust, which was founded to promote the development of rugby in the local community. Led by former Blackheath player, Habib Annous, the project is based on a programme of Tag Rugby coaching and development being delivered …

Worthing Matches Postponed

After a pitch inspection this morning, the Worthing matches have unfortunately been postponed . New date will be advised

Blackheath 36 Barnes 5

It looked an emphatic win in the end, but Barnes tested Blackheath as hard as anyone at Well Hall in National League Two East this term, and had their lineout served them better, might have pushed the scoreline harder. As it was, Blackheath etched out another resounding victory, and one which widens their lead at the head of the table …

There’s no place like Club

In March this year, a young boy from Kansas and his father were on a train from Exeter to London, after visiting a donkey sanctuary in Sidmouth, Devon. When the train pulled in to Taunton, they noticed a rugby team waiting on the platform. The squad boarded the train, got in to the same carriage as the two Americans and, …