Beckenham 2nd XV vs Blackheath Bandits, Saturday 25 September 2021

The Bandits opened their 2021-22 league campaign with what can simply be described as a tough day at the office. Early optimism at a sound, if unrewarded, first half performance gave way to an unpleasant lesson, as injuries depleted the Club team in the second half and the home side pulled away to a 52-0 result. The Bandits had a …

Andy Lock, Historical Marathon Plodder

stupidity /stjuːˈpɪdɪti/ noun 1. behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement. “I can’t believe my own stupidity” Those who have had cause to visit Well Hall during the daytime on certain weekdays over the last month may have seen an extremely large, khaki-clad man shuffling round the pitches. The captain of the Bandits side is in training …

Blackheath 16 Caldy 18

A try in the 78th minute from second-row Martin Gerrard secured a first win of the season for Caldy, and left Blackheath frustrated with a third losing bonus point for their campaign to date. The Club, however, will only have themselves to blame. They had ample possession and territory throughout the contest to strike the decisive blow but, for the …

New Laws for 2021/2022- Stay informed

NEW LAWS 2021-2022 1) 50:22 lineout throw-in If the team in possession kicks the ball from inside their own half indirectly into touch inside their opponents’ 22, they will throw into the resultant lineout. The ball cannot be passed or carried back into the defensive half for the 50:22 to be played. The phase must originate inside the defensive half. …

Blackheath’s new skipper is ‘positive’ about the season ahead

‘No, I didn’t know that,’ was Ed Taylor’s response when I informed him that he was only the fourth player to be appointed as captain of Blackheath since 2005. ‘To be honest though, I’ve been chosen for this season, and that’s all I’m focused on. After that is another matter.’ Ed follows in the footsteps of Markus Burcham and Tom …

Blackheath 23 Darlington Mowden Park 14

A vastly-improved second half performance, their best 40 minutes of the season to date, saw Blackheath score 20 unanswered points to overturn an eleven-point half time deficit and record the Club’s first win of the campaign. The hosts had started well enough, their set-piece functioning smoothly and a Jake Hennessey penalty giving them an early lead, but two converted tries …

Match Report Bandits V Park House 11th September 2021

Park House 26-38 Blackheath Bandits The Bandits played their second and final pre-season game on Saturday in a hastily thrown together fixture against a handy Park House team, after their scheduled opponents Cranleigh called off late in the week. This was less a ‘game of two halves’, more a ‘game of 70 minutes’, as for the first 10, there was …